Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

What a wonderful day yesterday was! Our morning started with church. It was fabulous. We opened the service singing He's Alive. My favorite part of the song is when we sing "Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy of our Praise, Worthy is the one who is overcome the grave". AMEN!! I could sing that song a hundred times. It was great! After church we met Brian's cousin Molly and her family for lunch at Texas Land and Cattle.We had so much fun and all the kids were really good.

After lunch we headed back to our house for an Easter Egg hunt. The weather held out. It didn't rain but it was a little on the cool side. It seems to be that way every Easter! It is always warm the day before but then the next day it is cool.

Luke (age 5), Lili (age 3), Emma (age 2), Bella (age 2) - Before the big Hunt!

Luke, Bella and Molly getting eggs.

Emma is making sure she gets her fair share of the eggs! Run Emma Run!

Lili on the hunt for some eggs.

Luke and Lili enjoying their spoils! Look at all the eggs!

It was a wonderful Easter. I hope that everybody had a blessed one also.

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