Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Emma is 3! Yippee!!

Waiting for the fun to begin!

Here I come!!

I bet I can beat you!

Super Daddy! Look how much fun he is having!

Even Grandpa got it on the fun!
Emma and all her friends!

The cake..
The room..
Singing Happy Birthday.
Emma had a fabulous day! So much fun!

The Craziness Continues!

Life is certainly not dull around our house. It has been awhile since I made a post because things have just been crazy! Last week was a week to remember. I was sad because my precious baby Emma was turning 3 on the 19th and I was registering Luke for Kindergarten. It was almost too much for me because my babies weren't really babies any more.

I guess Luke didn't think that was enough for me to be anxious, sad, worried, etc. about. During his baseball game last Tuesday, he and another little boy were running in from the field and got tangled up together. Luke fell face first into the corner of the metal bench and split his cheek open. A four hour ER visit later, he had 11 stitches under his left eye. I will just say that my boy is brave. Words can not express how proud I was of him. I should note that this isn't his first round of stitches. A little over 2 years ago, he was the proud owner of 12 stitches in his forehead. At least we are going down in number! ( I have to find some humor or I will cry).

Emma of course was struggling with all the attention her brother was getting because this afterall was her week. The precious girl turned 3 on Saturday and wanted the focus to be all on her! Friday was her party day and did we celebrate. Who can resist a trip to Pump It Up! We all had a ball. On Saturday we celebrated with our family and had such a great time. It was so nice to see my family!

Luke had his follow-up appointment today with the plastic surgeon who did his stitches and I found out how much God blessed us in this whole situation. I knew that God was protecting Luke when he fell. I told everybody that I didn't want that to happen but we were so blessed that it wasn't an inch higher because that would have been his eye. I knew that God was watching over him at the hospital because the ER doctor offered a plastic surgeon before we even asked but warned that they aren't always available and they don't always come. Well, the plastic surgeon was available and he did come. The doctor wasn't one that we knew of and was assigned by the hospital. Well, today at the appointment I was reading about him and he specializes in facial reconstruction. All of his surgeries deal with the face. He is a specialy within the specialty and has been featured in magazines and on Good Morning Texas here in Dallas. God provided the most perfect doctor for Luke.

Luke and Emma at Pump it Up. 3 days after stitches.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Today is a sad day for me. My friend Kim Harlow passed away after a 3.5 year battle with breast cancer. She leaves behind a 5 year old daughter and husband. Please keep them in your prayers during this difficult time. Kim was an avid lover of the Longhorns and helped inspire Luke's love of them. She was a blessing in my life and I will miss her dearly. We will always be connected because according to Luke he is marrying Madeline. :)

I encourage everybody to support the Susan G. Komen foundation. They do amazing work and Kim was active in the foundation. Last year we were able to do the Race for the Cure together. This year a large group of our friends will be doing the race in memory of her.

While I am sad here on Earth, I know that she is rejoicing in Heaven with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I can hear her laughing up there now.

Please remember Bryan and Madeline in your prayers.

Luke, Me, Madeline and Kim at the Mother's Day Luncheon at Pre-School last year.