Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Got Significance?

"I am significant when I receive God's love, grace and purpose for my life."

I will be traveling in February with 24 women from my church to the Orlando Union Rescue Mission (O.U.R.) We will be going to minister to the women that are currently living in the facility. We will be there for 5 days and 4 nights. On Thursday night we will have a carnival for the women and their families. We will have a worship leader sing praise songs and our speaker Melissa Shaver ( will give a small message. On Friday we will take over and do the work that the ladies would normally be doing and give them a morning off. Then the fun really starts. Friday night will begin our ladies retreat "Got Significance??" We will have sessions Friday night, Saturday morning and Sunday morning. Saturday evening we will take the ladies to a special dinner. Sunday evening the ladies from our church will spend special time together reflecting on everything. On Monday as a special treat we will get to go to the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World and then we will board a plane home that evening.

I ask for prayers regarding this trip. Specifically pray for the ladies at the mission. Pray that they will be able to have this time to uplift them and let them know that they are significant not only to us, but to God, their heavenly Father. Pray for all the women going on the trip. Pray for travel mercies, for health, health of the family memebers we are leaving at home, pray that we will be have our hearts ready to be used by God and that we will have our hearts open to what these ladies have to teach us. Pray that not only will their lives be changed forever but that ours would be also. Pray for our leaders, Mellisa, Molly, Amy and Suzie. Pray that all stress would be lifted from them and that they will be able to focus on the task at hand.

I am so excited to go and see what God has in store to teach me. I will be taking my lap top and will try to make updates to the blog while I am there. Pray for Brian and the kids. He is so great and I know will do a wonderful job with them.

Have a blessed day!